When you sign up to Sevenoaks Day Nursery you agree to pay fees in advance. This is a common requirement for childcare providers and it is especially important for us:- our fees and margins are low, so we have to be careful with our cash. We pay our food bills weekly and our staff monthly, so it makes absolute sense to ask parents to pay in advance.
We produce our invoices at or before the start of each month and invoice you for how many days your child (or children) are expected to attend during the month ahead. This figure can change from month-to-month depending on how many of your child’s days are in the month; for example there are five Mondays in July. But only three in August (we are not open Bank Holidays).
If you receive Funding, these hours will be allocated on a weekly basis. For example, if you receive 10 hours a week and the month has five weeks, then you’ll receive 50 hours funding. This will be shown on your invoice and deducted before calculating our fee.
If you have any extra days during the month, these will be included in the following month’s invoice.
The invoice total may differ wildly from month to month, which can make household budgeting difficult, so we offer a Monthly Payment Plan which spreads payments evenly over a calendar year, academic year or any appropriate period. If you would like a Monthly Payment Plan contact James Wallace.
Invoices are sent by email, so please ensure that you give us your preferred address.
We don’t regularly email statements, but you can see your outstanding balance, at any time, on Famly.