
Sevenoaks Day Nursery

© 2025 Sevenoaks Day Nursery CIO

Sevenoaks Day Nursery CIO
Rear of Bat & Ball Centre
Otford Road, Sevenoaks TN14 5DN
Tel: 01732 460384  Email: nursery.admin@sdn.org.uk
Reg Charity:1162242, Ofsted:RP536593

Home Children Parents Nursery Contact

Special needs support

We work closely with families and outside agencies to do our very best for SEN and SEND children, who represent a small, but integral part of our family.  We have an experienced SENCO and other staff with specialist training in additional needs.

How does the setting identify children with additional needs or SEND?

We work closely with the parents and are here to support any concerns the parents may have. We observe the children and can pick up on most signals that the child might show. We work with local agencies and will refer to them if we need any kind of support. We ask to look at the children’s red books from their two-year checks, this shows up any concerns that the health visitor has and we can get in contact with them to discuss further.  

How will I be informed/consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

We will communicate every step, from Lift meetings, speech and language or any other form of SEN assistance. Parents are always in focus for information sharing and our SENCO is always available for a chat.

How will the setting adapt the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for my child's needs?

We do individual planning for every child at Nursery. This also includes our SEN children. We observe the children and from our observations, we build on the need of the individual child to ensure that they develop in their own pace and as per the EYFS. We use Milestone assessment sheets prime and specific areas of learning, to help break down smaller sets for children who need extra support.

What teaching strategies does the setting use for children with additional needs or learning difficulties?

We encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s development and to come and see us at SDN. All children have a key person who ensures that the individual planning is up to date and that the observations have been done. Parents can follow their child’s development on our Famly app, this is for all families, so that they can see how their child is developing at Nursery. We do start points, twice annual assessment, year two checks and ongoing observations in all areas.

We work closely with outside agencies and specialist teachers, and we include the parents with all decision makings that needs to be taken. If a parent needs support from an agency from outside of Nursery, we will help to make this happen. If a parent needs support with certain learning or training, we can provide a one to one with the parents or signpost them to someone who can help/train.

What additional support does the setting provide for children with additional needs or SEND?

We, the Nursery, have a medication policy that we all adhere to. We need the parents consent before we administer any medicines. The staff in the different rooms work closely together to support the children to give them the individual support they need. We encourage the children to share their thoughts, wishes and needs with us, the staff. This is done with the key person, this can be done during key worker time, on a one-to-one.  We have a behaviour management policy that we adhere to. We also have 2 Behaviour Management staff, who parents and staff can consult with if needed. We use targeted plans and personalised plans, these are smaller steps for the child to achieve.

How will the setting monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

We do weekly observations on each child. This can be viewed on our Famly app. Each family has their own page where all the information of their child is kept, i.e., sleep, food, activities, and observation. We also post information from children’s centres with information to parents regarding adult courses, child course, freedom program, behaviour in children, holiday activities etc.

Targeted and personalised plans are reviewed every 6 weeks and parents are a part of this process and they can have their input into how well their child is developing.

How do you ensure children with additional needs or SEND can be included in the same activities as other children, including trips?

We believe in every child’s right to be included in all that we do. Disability or additional needs should not be a hindrance for the child to join in. We will do an individual risk assessment on the child, to assess the risk and take into consideration the ratio (staff to child).  We make sure that there are resources for every age and stage.

How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?

The Nursery is a newly built and is on one floor, which means that it is Wheelchair accessible. We have 3 big rooms where there is space for a wheelchair and access to the various activities. We have a disabled toilet in our hallway.

How will you support my child’s transition to a new setting or school?

We will work in close partnership with the new school/setting to see what they have in place to support the child. We welcome the parents and child to take part in the conversation with the new school/setting. We support parents/children who have English as a second language, we have different tools in place for this support. We encourage the teachers from their new schools or setting to come and visit the child at our setting to discuss transitions and see how they are settled and likes and dislikes at nursery.

How does the setting assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers take part in this evaluation?

We have an open dialog and work closely with the parents, they can always see where their child is developmentally and what the Nursery is working towards with the child, through our Famly app. We actively encourage outside agencies to come into the Nursery to see the children and be part of the children’s learning journey. We also have meeting with parents every 6 weeks to discuss how well they are progressing and different strategies that are working at home or nursery.

Who should I contact if I am considering registering for a place at the setting?

Our SENCO is Olivia Contreras, and she can be contacted on our phone number; 01732 460 384. All staff can help with simple questions, or they will advise on who would be the best person to talk to.

What arrangements does the setting have for feedback from parents / carers, including compliments and complaints?

We believe in open communication and there is always someone who can talk to a parent if there are concerns. We do parents questionnaires 3 times a year where we encourage parents to be honest with our services. If a parent feels like they haven’t been listened to, they can make a complaint to our board of trustees.