
Sevenoaks Day Nursery

© 2025 Sevenoaks Day Nursery CIO

Sevenoaks Day Nursery CIO
Rear of Bat & Ball Centre
Otford Road, Sevenoaks TN14 5DN
Tel: 01732 460384  Email: nursery.admin@sdn.org.uk
Reg Charity:1162242, Ofsted:RP536593

Home Children Parents Nursery Contact

We believe that most complaints are made constructively and that they can be resolved at an early stage. It is in the best interest of the parents/guardians and Nursery that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with fairly.

Our aim is for a real partnership between Sevenoaks Day Nursery and the parents/carers of the children who attend.

To this end, we have an “open house” policy. Parents/carers may drop into the Nursery at any time during opening hours to observe activities or exchange information about their children. This, we hope, develops a trust that the Nursery has nothing to hide in its practice.

We encourage new parents to meet up with “established” parents, to help them feel comfortable and at ease with the Nursery environment and its routines.

If a parent/guardian should wish to have a formal discussion with the staff or Manager they are welcome to telephone or leave a note for the Manager so that a convenient meeting can be arranged for all the parties concerned.

If a parent/guardian wishes to discuss or complain about any Nursery matters, we hope that they would feel able to talk to the room staff or supervisor in the first instance. If not, or, if they are unhappy with the outcome of an informal discussion, then we have a set complaints procedure that will be followed.
