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Our Contractor has provided us with an updated programme for the building of the new Nursery and I have outlined this in the chart below for your information.    Please be aware that these dates still may change subject to weather and Sevenoaks Town Council’s project plan for their refurbishment of the Community Centre.

Tue 25 JunPre-site meetingLewis Ashley
Tue 23 JulBuilding project begins,
hoarding erected
Lewis Ashley
Sat 3 AugNew building craned onto the siteLewis Ashley
w/c 12 Aug
to 6 Sep
Internal fit outLewis Ashley
w/c 20 SepHandover of our new buildingLewis Ashley
w/c 23 SepNursery transition begins
into the new building
Sat 28 SepOpening eventSDN
w/c 7 OctHandover keys for old building to STCSDN

The outside play area for the children will be reduced during our building project.  We are going to enclose some of the grass area at the end of the building outside of the Pre School Classroom for Nursery use in order to provide some extra space for the children to play.