The dates for Easter Club, 6th April to 16th April, come too early for us.
At the moment we are employing strict bubbling in the Nursery. This means, to maintain safe ratios of staff to children throughout the day, we do not have the flexibility to properly staff Club.
The Government’s ‘road map’ suggests 12th April will be the earliest date for relaxing a few indoor restrictions, but 17th May for a much wider relaxation and 21st June (at the earliest) before all legal limits are removed. Our own easing of restrictions will be based around these dates.
We do understand how vital Club can be for parents during school holidays (and Club fees are an important component of the Nursery’s income) but we simply cannot find a safe way of opening at Easter. Sorry.
The good news, all being well, is that Summer Club will be going ahead – 22nd July to 31st August – and possibly Early Summer, from 1st to 4th June. We’ll keep our fingers crossed and keep you in touch.