On the afternoon of Saturday, 25th September 2021, Sevenoaks Day Nursery is holding a party at the Stag Plaza in Sevenoaks for parents and supporters of the Nursery.
One of the things we want to do is to recognise the considerable service that Jean has done for the community in her time at the Nursery. We would like to give her something really special. For a very personal thank you, we are asking families who have been part of the Nursery to do one of the following:
1. A short video with a personal message to Jean
This can be done on a phone. We suggest something along the lines of
- when your child/children were at the Nursery
- a photograph of them then
- either a photograph or short video of them now
- a short message – maybe your favourite memory of the Nursery, just a thank you, or something else – you are welcome to use your imagination!
2. An email with:-
- when your child/children were at the Nursery
- a photo of the child then
- a photo of the child now
- a written message – for example, a favourite memory
Please could you send them to sue.dreksler@sevenoaksdaynursery.org.uk, preferably before 3rd September, so we have time to pull them together before the party. (We will try to incorporate late entries, but it would really help if you could get them to us earlier rather than later.) If your file is too big to send by email, try using WeTransfer.com.
What we will do is join the videos together and create a slide show from the emails. We may show a subset of these at the event, so please be clear in your response if you do not want us to include your video/email at the event. We’re hoping that we’ll get such a good response that we won’t be able to include everyone’s on the day, but we will make sure that Jean gets them all.
We are also doing a collection for a gift for Jean. We are planning to buy Warners vouchers as we know that she and Derek love to holiday there. If you would like to contribute to this, please could you make a bank transfer to the Nursey’s bank account using the payment reference “For Jean”.
Bank: HSBC
Account name: Sevenoaks Day Nursery
Sort code: 40-40-32
Account number: 71151118
Thank you for taking the time to help us to create something really special for Jean.

Susan Dreksler
Chair of Trustees
Sevenoaks Day Nursery