The Trustees have just approved a policy which provides guidelines for everyone attending or visiting the Nursery, as lockdown measures are relaxed and the Nursery re-opens fully.
There is a downloadable pdf copy on the website’s ‘useful Information’ page.
Sevenoaks Day Nursery Return to Normal Operations Policy following the Spring 2020 lockdown
As part of our commitment to providing high quality childcare, our teams will be strictly following the below guidelines in order to ensure that children’s safety and welfare remains our priority.
Dropping off and picking up
- Dropping off children to take place at the back fence. No parent or guardians to go inside the nursery building unless asked by a member of staff.
- There will be 2 metre markings on the grass where parents are to wait until there is room to come in.
At nursery
- Children will be staying in their own rooms, this includes meal times.
- When they go into the garden (we’ll do this as often as possible) they will take it in turns, in their room groups.
- Toys that are out during the day will be cleaned before going away.
- We will be putting photos on water bottles so each child can recognise their own.
- Sleep mats will be cleaned after every use and sleeping bags will not be shared between children. Sleeping bags will be washed every week.
- Cots and cot sheets will be cleaned after every use.
- Bathrooms will be cleaned more regularly and the windows will be open to ventilate the room.
- Door handles and hard surfaces will be cleaned every 2 hours.
- Outdoor equipment will be cleaned after use.
- We will, of course, maintain our ‘5 Star’ standards of food preparation.
- Children will wash their hands as soon as they come into nursery and before and after mealtime, after we have been in the garden and before going home.
At home
- If your child or anyone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss, or change in, the sense of smell or taste) please follow the ‘COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection’ and please alert us at the earliest opportunity.
- Please do not let your child bring any toys from home into nursery. If they need a comforter you will need to get a duplicate and this will have to stay at nursery.
New children joining
- Visits to look at the nursery will still go ahead but they will only be allowed in the hallway and to look through the doors and window to see into the rooms.
- Settling in (the vast majority are babies) will still go ahead, but on the quietest days and as long as social distancing is observed at all times.
Thank you for understanding and supporting our staff team to be able to continue to provide the very best care for your children in this very unusual set of circumstances.
This policy was adopted by the Trustees of Sevenoaks Day Nursery CIO on 28th May, 2020.
Susan Dreksler