The news of Jean stepping down has led to a great many parents asking if they can contribute to a gift to show their appreciation for her tireless efforts to improve the lot of children everywhere over the years.
Needless to say we, the staff, were unprepared for this . . . although I can’t imagine why. We ought to have known that you would be just as sad at the prospect of losing our manager as we are.
So Nanny Ruth and Katherine have volunteered to be the focus for parents wishing to make a contribution.
But that’s the easy part! Buying anything for Jean is a nightmare (not my words). There’s no point in a bottle of Château Lafite, 1869; she doesn’t drink. Or a Gurkha Black Dragon cigar; she doesn’t smoke. Forget anything by Cartier; she doesn’t wear jewellery. ‘Things’ don’t interest her. So her nearest and dearest have been set the task of what to buy. We’ll keep you posted.
Jean isn’t aware of all this by the way and she won’t be able to see this post because computers aren’t her thing. Why would they be? They weren’t around in 1989 when she took up her post. But our manual records aren’t too shabby; I can tell you that Jean was appointed on 6th September and that she was contracted to 45 hours a week. She probably still does around this every week.
Jean’s first official appearance as Nursery Leader (as her title was back then) would almost certainly have been at the opening of the new nursery on Saturday 30th September 1989. Below is the programme of events.

Anyway, if you’d like to contribute to a gift for Jean (and I think a card is being prepared as well) please approach Ruth or Katherine as surreptitiously as you can . . . . taking care not to look too creepy!
If you can’t get to the nursery then you’re welcome to:
- Send me a cheque made payable to Sevenoaks Day Nursery, but make it clear that it’s for Jean’s gift
- Transfer funds to Sevenoaks Day Nursery, Handelsbanken, sort code 40-51-62, account no. 66803375 adding ‘Jean’s Gift’ as a reference
Thank you
James . . . . Carla, Caroline, Katherine, Laura, Lisa, Louise, Madde, Olivia, Rachel, Ruth, Shannon, Sophie, Susie and Vicky.