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Our fees will be going up to £42 per day from 1st September. Here’s an extract from a letter to parents:-

Dear Parents/Guardians

Re: SDN Fees

I am writing to you to let you know that the Trustees of the Nursery have decided to increase the fees by 50p per day to £42.00 per day from 1 September 2019, and to leave the fees for Club at £30   per day.

In coming to this decision, the Trustees have taken into account

  • That this is a charity whose ethos is to offer quality childcare at the lowest possible costs whilst regarding our staff fairly;
  • We have put up the fees by more in recent years to ensure that we had sufficient funds to build our new nursery;
  • For the first time in recent years, we are making a fee increase in September rather than January, in order to align with the school year. Most new families join the Nursery in September, and this will help those families to budget; and
  • In the future, although we cannot guarantee it, we intend to stick to an annual review, albeit in September whereas it used to be in January. 

Your fees cover the day-to-day running costs of the Nursery, plus a contribution towards replacement of our buildings. Additional ‘extras’ such as new toys and replacement of furniture that are not absolutely necessary but a ‘nice-to-have’ need to be covered by fundraising. I am disappointed to say that, ignoring grants that are specific to the new build, our fundraising in the past year has been very low. The staff, management committee and Trustees have had to focus on the considerable number of tasks needed to manage the new build. If you or someone you know would be able to help out with fundraising we would be very grateful. We know that parents, families and friends can be very generous when we organize events.   

In closing, I’d like to remind you that the Nursery continues to offer real support to families in need; through our own local contacts, the Children’s Centre and now through KCC’s Free-For-Twos scheme.  We couldn’t do this without your continued support.